1.1.1. Some Tips
for Plank Exercise:
- Keep your glutes and stomach tight
- Your head and heels should be in a straight line while performing plank
- Also keep your back straight
- Make sure that hips are not sagging
- Place your elbows directly beneath the shoulder
- Feet should be hip-width apart
1.1.2. Tips for
Holding a Longer Plank:
- Perform plank daily
- Divert your mind
- While doing plank, read an article to pass the first few minutes
- Never look at the timer to drop the position
- Hold a position till it hurts
1.2. Plank Exercises for Flat Belly
1.2.1. Basic Plank
Lie flat on
floor or yoga mat (stomach down).
Put your hands at the side of your chest, as
if you are ready to perform push-ups.
Lift your body off the floor, keeping your
back straight and heels together.
Hold the position for 10 to 60
seconds and come back to starting position.
Carry out two repetitions.
1.2.2. Forearm
Made for those who have injury-prone wrists, the
forearm plank is a classic exercise for a reason:
It emphasizes all of your core muscles by resisting
Start in a
push-up position on forearms.
Keep arms perpendicular to body, forming a straight
line from shoulders to ankles.
Engage core and hold for thirty seconds.
Trainer Tip:
Roll your shoulders back before you get into
This will help sustain an open chest during your
Squeeze your butt! It'll facilitate a flat, lower
back through the entire exercise, which will keep you from rounding or
hyperextending the lumbar spine, which could lead to disc herniations and
pinched nerves.
1.2.3. Side Plank
Lie down on your right side on the yoga mat.
Put your left hand on your waist and right
hand on the floor such that your forearm is at a right angle to the body.
Now, slowly lift the body, balancing your
whole body weight on the right hand and right foot.
Stay in this position for as long as you can
and repeat it, on the other side.
Give the
obliques a little action with a side planks – be sure to keep the hips lifted
1.2.4. Plank with Arm Lift
Start with a
basic plank position.
Stay in the pose for 5 seconds, and then
transfer your weight to the right forearm.
Raise your left arm to shoulder height and
hold the position for 1 to 2 seconds.
Slowly, return to basic plank pose and repeat
with other arm.
Do 3 to 5 reps on each arm.
1.2.5. Plank with
Leg Lift
Begin with a basic plank position.
Hold the position for 5 seconds, and then
transfer your weight to the left foot.
Gradually, lift right leg off the floor with
the toe pointed down.
Stay in this pose for 5 seconds and come back
to original position.
Repeat the movement with another leg.
1.2.6. Side plank with knee lift- one side only
- go in the position of a side plank
- move the knee forward and back
- don´t forget to breath
1.2.7. Plank Jacks:
If you've gotten your front plank down to a
science, crank it up a notch by adding dynamic movement!
Get the blood flowing by jacking the feet in and
out from your plank position.
Hop your toes to the outside of a yoga mat and then
back together while maintaining your pretty, flat back.
Start in a full plank position with feet together
and abs tight.
Jump feet
apart into a wide V, then immediately jump them back together (like a jumping
That's 1 rep. Start by incorporating 8 reps into
your circuit.
If this feels super easy, up the number to 10.
Consider increasing by two reps every two weeks as long as you can maintain
strong form.
Trainer Tip:
Keep your shoulders over your hands.
The shoulders can take a major beating during this
exercise if you're not careful.
By keeping them in proper alignment, the core is
doing all the work!
1.2.8. Side Forearm
Sister to your front plank, the side plank
highlights muscles that help you rotate quickly and safely. Extra perk? A
nipped-in waistline will be yours in no time.
Lie on side with bottom elbow on the floor.
Raise hips so
that the body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.
Extend the top arm laterally so that it is
perpendicular to the floor.
Engage core and hold for 30 seconds.
Trainer Tip:
Start simple. Begin with your bottom knee on the
ground to reiterate proper muscle activation.
Envision sending your bottom hip to the sky.
If you feel like this is more of a stretch than a
workout, straighten your legs and try to stagger your feet with your top foot
in front of your bottom foot.
Still yawning? Stack the feet! Keep an eye on
squaring off your top and bottom hip the entire time.
1.2.9. Pike Plank:
- Not only do you get a nice stretch but you put your core in motion which adds a level of difficulty.
High Plank:
- Recruit more of your chest muscles by moving up to your hands.
Plank Walk-downs:
- Add a major degree of difficulty by moving up and down between high and low plank.
1.2.12. Lateral Plank Walk
- This move will challenge your core and define your deltoids, shaping your shoulders.
- Begin in plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your body in one straight line.
- Simultaneously cross your right hand toward the left as you step your left foot out to the left.
- Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, returning to the plank position.
- Your hands move together as your feet step apart.
- Take two more steps in this direction, keeping your abs pulled toward your spine and your pelvis level.
- This completes one rep.
- Reverse directions taking three steps the right.
- Do 15 reps in each direction to complete one set.
Hip Taps:
Rotation through the trunk to drop the hips to the floor will surely get your obliques screaming!
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