Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Life's Irony

Isn't it so funny how you spend your life trying to avoid a situation only to land in that very circumstance.  You look back, years down the road, on all decisions you made, good and bad, just to avoid that particular incidence only find yourself in that situation you so badly dreaded. Makes you wonder if you could have made different decisions had you known you would land in the same place. 

Isn't it ironic how the very things that attract you to a person have the very power to destroy the relationship? One would think the attributes that attracted you are only good but no one warns you of the poisonous effect they have when they are experienced in high quantities, leaving any relationship devoid of the first love that magneted people to eachother. 

Is it life's sarcasm, when those so full of life have to have only but a taste of it, and yet some seem so tired and yet their life seems to go on and on and on, ever seeming longer as they drag themselves through each day. 

How do the very brilliant kids in school end up struggling through life and yet those who struggled in school know the true meaning of success. Whoever said education is the key to success needs to review this statement.  

Just how does social media destroy more relationships whilst connecting people in more ways than we had ever imagined?